

Kindergarten, Elementary, and Secondary Schools



Municipal (public) kindergarten

Requirements for admission
5-year-old class (1-year term)   5-year-old registered residents of Tokushima City as of Apr. 1, 2024
4-year-old class (2-year term)   4-year-old registered residents of Tokushima City as of Apr. 1, 2024
3-year-old class (3-year term) 3-year-old registered residents of Tokushima City as of Apr. 1, 2024

How to apply:

Those who wish to enroll their child in a kindergarten should pick up an application form for the approval of educational and childcare benefits (facility-type benefits) and a general application form for the desired (*1) Tokushima Municipal Kindergarten, both of which can be obtained at said kindergarten, fill out the necessary information, and submit the forms directly to the kindergarten of their choice. Applications are accepted from 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. on weekdays.
*1 To use municipal kindergartens, “Municipal Approval for Early Education/Childcare” is necessary. For details on approval procedures, please refer to p.12.

School hours & lunch

  • Half-day-care Day: From 8:30 am to 12:00 pm
  • Full-day-care Day: From 8:30 am to 2:30 pm
  • Children need to bring their lunch with them on full-day-care days.
  • Extended childcare service is available for children of the municipal kindergarten.
Extended Childcare Hours & Fees
Classification Childcare hours Childcare fees
Weekdays After kindergarten finishes in the morning 12:00~16:00 400 yen
After kindergarten finishes in the afternoon 14:30~16:00 200 yen
During long holidays Full day 8:30~16:00 500 yen
Morning 8:30~12:30 400 yen
Afternoon 12:00~16:00 400 yen

*Extra extended childcare during 7:30am-8:30am and 16:00-18:00 is currently provided at Fukushima, Suketo, Kamona, Hachiman, Sensho, Kawauchi-kita and Kokufu kindergartens. (This extra extended service is available for those who have Type 2 certification of financial aid for use of childcare facilities and are subsequently enrolled in one of the seven kindergartens listed above. For application of the certification, please contact the Kindergartens or Childcare Division.)

Children must be accompanied by their parent or guardian when going to and from school.

School district

There is no designated school district for kindergarten. Parents can freely choose any municipal kindergarten regardless of their place of residence in Tokushima City. However, school districts are designated for elementary and junior high schools according to the child’s registered place of residence.

Childcare/School fees

Childcare fees are free/no charge.
No admission fees apply

Admission in the middle of the school year

If you want to start kindergarten in the middle of the school year, please ask the kindergarten you wish to join.

School uniforms

Some kindergartens have their own uniforms. Please contact your desired kindergarten to confirm.

National kindergarten & Private kindergarten

For more information on admissions to of these kindergartens, please contact them or visit their websites for information about admission.

For Inquiries

Childcare Division (Kodomo Hoiku-ka) TEL: 088-621-5193 FAX: 088-624-5036

Admission to elementary & secondary (junior high) schools

Education for foreign students

Although the Japanese law does not include foreign students in compulsory education, Japanese elementary and secondary schools do accept foreign children. Your child is not obligated to attend a Japanese elementary or secondary school, but that doesn’t mean that they don’t have the opportunity to attend.

School register

Registered residents who will become school age the next school year will receive a school enrollment notification (Nyugaku tsuchi-sho) in early December. Parents are asked to fill out the enrollment form (Nyugaku todoke), which is sent to you with the school enrollment notification, and submit it to the designated school before the deadline. If parents do not wish to send their children to the designated schools, they do not need to submit the enrollment form.
As for those who are registered as residents after November and wish to attend a public school, please come to our School Education Division (Gakko Kyoiku-ka) with your residence card (zairyu card) or foreign registration card.

Transfering schools

Foreign children who wish to continue studying after arriving in Japan can start school in the middle of the grade in Japanese public schools

How to register

Please come to our School Education Division (Gakko Kyoiku-ka) with your residence card (zairyu card) or foreign registration card after completing the resident registration for your child at the Resident Registration Division (Jumin-ka).

School life support

Japanese language assistance

Language assistance is available for Japanese returnee children and foreign children who attend municipal elementary/junior high schools and who are in need of linguistic support in their school life or study. Japanese language assistants are arranged upon application via school.

Financial assistance

Costs for school supplies are assisted for parents/guardians who have difficulties in sending their children to schools due to economic reasons. Documents to show your income and other information are required for eligibility screening

For Inquiries

School Education Division (Gakko Kyoiku-ka) TEL: 088-621-5412 FAX: 088-624-2577



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