1st & 2nd Floor Guide Maps
Check Sheet for Tokushima City Hall
Please feel free to use the check sheet below to help you complete necessary procedures at the counters on the 1st and 2nd floors of the city hall.
Check Sheet for Tokushima City Hall(PDF形式:662KB)
1st Floor Guide
No. | Counter Sign | Affairs | |
Resident Registration Division | 1 | 証明コーナー | Application for copy of residence record (Juminhyo), full (partial) copy of family register, seal registration certificate, individual tax certificate [income/taxation certificate of individual residence tax (excluding undeclared income), evaluation/taxation certificate of fixed property tax, tax payment certificate (excluding corporate residence tax and unpaid tax)], issuance of temporary number plate |
2 | 戸籍届 | Registration of birth, death, marriage, divorce, adoption, etc. | |
3 | 外国人コーナー | Notification of move-in/out, address change, application for special permanent resident certificate | |
Counter for Foreign Residents | |||
3・4 | 住民異動届・印鑑登録 | Notification of move-in/out, address/household change, Seal (Inkan) registration/deregistration/change | |
5 | マイナンバーカード コーナーA |
Issuance of Individual Number (My Number) card, procedure to change displayed address on My Number card, etc. | |
マイナンバーカード コーナーB |
6 | お渡し | Delivery of certificates such as a copy of residence record/family register, seal registration certificate, etc. | |
Health Insurance and Pension Division | 7 | 国民健康保険 | Application for medical expenses, limit coverage option of medical expense, lump-sum birth/funeral allowance, issue of elderly recipient certificate |
保険給付 | |||
8 | 後期高齢者医療 | Medical insurance for those aged 75+ or 65+ with specified needs | |
9 | 国民健康保険 資格・保険料 |
Application for/withdrawal from the National Health Insurance, imposition of insurance premium, issue of NHI certificate | |
10 | 国民健康保険 保険料収納 |
Information on NHI and Advanced Elderly Medical Insurance premiums, procedures for refunds on insurance premiums | |
11 | 国民年金 | Application for National Pension, information on pension | |
Div. of Welfare for People with Disabilities | 12 | 障害福祉サービス | Welfare services for people with special needs |
13 | 障害者医療費助成 | Medical benefits/welfare for people with special needs, financial assistance for children with special needs, medical equipment | |
14 | 手帳・手当・補装具など | ||
Elderly Care Div. | 15 | 高齢者いきがいサービス | Promotion of life purpose measure for the elderly, distribution of free city bus passes, etc. |
16 | 介護相談・給付 | Information on nursing care insurance and use of the insurance service, insured long-term care service planning, guidance concerning designated community-based service providers | |
17 | 認定・資格・保険料 | Assessment of nursing care need, insurance premium, etc. | |
Counter for Mothers & Children | 30 | 妊婦・乳児健康診査、予防接種、子ども医療、児童手当 | Medical checkups for mothers and children, vaccination (only at the time of move-in to Tokushima City), child allowance, Support Coupon for at Home Child Raising in Tokushima, medical care benefits for children |
Community Life Div. | Residence sign, security lighting, road safety, measures against illegally parked bicycles |
2nd Floor Guide
No. | Counter Sign | Affairs | |
Property Tax Division | 20 | 固定資産税・税証明 | Tax certificates (property tax, income tax, taxation certificate, tax payment certificate, assessment certificate), browsing of official records concerned with properties, property tax (lands, houses, depreciable assets) |
Residence Tax Division | 21 | 軽自動車税 法人市民税 |
Municipal tax for corporations, light vehicle tax |
22 | 個人市民税 | Residence tax for individuals, Information on tax returns | |
Tax Collection Division | 23 | 市税の払戻し・口座振替 | Residence tax payment by bank transfer, refund of over-paid residence tax |
24 | 納税納税相談 | Information on tax payments, receipt/collection of taxes including residence tax | |
Health & Longevity Div. | 31 | 成人保険・地域包括ケア | Healthy promotion projects, prevention programs for sever diseases, cancer screenings, specific health guidance, nutritional guidance, pnuemococcus/influenza vaccinations for elderly, rubella vaccinations for adults, integrated community care system, policy measures against dementia, long-term care prevention |
Health & Welfare Policy Div. | 32 | 地域福祉・援護 | Health & welfare, assistance for surviving family members |
First Social Welfare Div. | 33 | 生活保護相談 | Public assistance, medical care voucher, provision of public assistance benefit |
Second Social Welfare Div. | 34 | 生活保護相談 | Public assistance |
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